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Outdoor Life - Smultronställen - ctl00_cph1_SstrtImage

 What is a 'smultronställe'?

The Swedish concept of a 'smultronställe' is somewhat difficult to describe. Smultron is a small wild strawberry that grows in Sweden. Simply put, a 'wild-strawberry-spot' is a special place where you can relax and enjoy yourself, perhaps a little off the beaten path. One of the Uppland Foundation's projects is to present 'smultronställen i naturen,' special places in nature.

What are the Uppland Foundation's 'smultronställen'?

  • A smultronställe is a site with a high value for both nature and outdoor activities that is enjoyable and accessible for visitors
  • A smultronställe should meet a list of predefined criteria for quality
  • A smultronställe should be free and accessible for all

There are about 30 smultronställen in Uppsala county, and more are underway. Swedish brochures are available from Biotopia museum and other places throughout the county. Find more information, including an interactive map, on our Swedish page.


Contact: Karolina Vessby



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